MSc in Software Engineering (Kingston University – UK)

Product information



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Duration : 02 Year + Dissertation

Rs 0.00/=

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Entry Requirement

Applicants for the MSc programme normally required to have a good honours degree in IT, Computer Science, Software Engineering or the academic equivalent. Exceptionally applicants may have no first degree but 5+ years working in a software design and development area. In this case, there must be strong evidence that the applicant has the motivation to complete the course and the ability to work at this level. Both of these types of applicants will benefit from the advanced and specialized nature of the technical and business knowledge covered the course that is designed to build on the knowledge they already possess. Compulsory English language requirement – A/L (B Pass) or O/L (C pass) or Academic IELTS of 6.5 overall with 6.0 in Writing and 5.5 in Reading, listening and Speaking

Course Content

  • Software Architectures and Programming Models
  • Modelling Enterprise Architectures
  • Software Quality Engineering
  • Agile Project Development
  • Project Dissertation
  • Rs. 350,000/=

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