Master of Philosophy in Education

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Entry Requirement

The candidate should have one of the following qualifications: 1. A qualification of Sri Lanka Qualification Framework (SLQF) Level 7 or above in the field of education, Or, 2. A Bachelor’s Honours Degree at Sri Lanka Qualification Framework (SLQF) Level 6 with a minimum of thirty (30) course credits in the field of education. Or 3. An equivalent or higher qualification acceptable to the Senate. And 4. Other specific requirements stipulated by the Faculty of Education Candidates who do not possess a Post Graduate qualification in Education of SLQF 9 or above will be considered after a selection process. • All Candidates should successfully complete the short course in Research Methodology in Education conducted by the Faculty of Education (except those who possess two years Master with a research component of 18 course credits) prior to registration of the programme.

Course Content

  • Specialization Areas Educational Psychology, Teacher Education, Distance Education, Educational Management and Leadership, Measurement and Evaluation, Educational Technology, Comparative Education, Curriculum Practices, ICT based Education, e-Learning.

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