Diploma In Teacher Training

Product information



4 out of 5 stars

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Level: Diploma


Module 01 : Education Management - Principals of Education 

Module 02 : Classroom Management - Multiple Intelligence 

Module 03 : Educational Psychology 

Module 04 : Psychology & Counseling for Teachers 

Module 05 : Curriculum Development Ÿ Module 06 : Child Psychology 

Module 07 : Special Needs Learning 

Module 08 : Assessment Methodologies 

Module 09 : Learning Disorders 

Module 10 : Practical Training 

Rs 0.00/=

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Entry Requirement


Age limit between 16-50, 

Pass EDEXCEL/ G.C.E. O/L, 6 credits , OR Pass EDEXCEL/ G.C.E A/L, 

Any other educational qualication acceptable by Academic syndicates of Amazon College.



 School Leavers OR

 Students with pending Ordinary Level Results 

 After O/L & A/L Students 

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